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Transform Text into Print-Ready Creations

Effortlessly turn your ideas into eye-catching designs, perfect for customizing shirts, hoodies, posters, crop tops, sweatshirts, and tank tops. No artistic skills required! Simply type in your ideas and click generate to get started.

What is mäyca?

Think of mäyca as your always-available, digital artist. Here, cutting-edge technology and your creativity come together to produce designs you can wear or display. Use our AI to quickly turn your ideas into tangible products like clothing or framed prints.

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How to use mäyca?


Step 1: Create Your Artwork

Start a New Project: Click 'Paint New' at the bottom to begin.

Describe Your Vision: Enter a detailed description or opt for 'Surprise Me.'

Customize: Choose an artist, style, and other preferences.

Step 2: Generate and Choose

Create: Click 'Generate.' Note that each generation costs 1 credit (=1 cent).

Select: After generating, pick your favorite artwork from up to 4 options. Pass time with a memory game to potentially win a free credit.

Step 3: Prepare for Print

Confirm: Click 'Use Artwork' to add it to your library.

Shape and Size: Adjust how the artwork will appear on merchandise.

Step 4: Make It Yours

Browse Products: Explore items to print your art on.

Add to Cart: Select a product, size, and color.

Checkout: Finalize your order and prepare for shipping.

Why Just Dream It?

Create It with mäyca Today!